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A Conversation With Ellen Torbert

Ellen Torbert, Vice President, Diversity and Inclusion, Southwest Airlines


Ellen Torbert, Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, Southwest Airlines, provides leadership, vision, and advocacy to foster an inclusive work environment. As part of Ellen's responsibility for Southwest's diversity and inclusion efforts, she provides coordination and leadership to the Company's supplier diversity, diversity recruiting, and training efforts. Ellen Torbert, was honored with the Rosa Parks Diversity Leadership Award. This award, presented by the Women's Transportation Seminar San Francisco Bay Area (WTS), honors women and organizations that have made a significant contribution in promoting diversity and cultural awareness within their organization, the transportation industry, or in a project/activity that supports the WTS goals and mission.

Ellen previously held the positions of Reservations Sales Agent, IAM Shop Steward, Reservations Supervisor, Reservations Assistant Manager, Manager Reservations Training, Director Reservations Training, and Vice President Customer Support & Services for Southwest Airlines. Ellen received a Bachelor of Science Degree from Western Michigan University.

Ellen and her husband, Walter, have two children: Domonique and Ashton. Ellen’s proudest moments were seeing her daughter graduate from the Air Force Academy and her son flying as a pilot for the first time.