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A Conversation With Dr. Larry Senn

Chairman and founder of Senn Delaney


Larry Senn, DBA, is a father, grandfather, husband, Sunday school teacher, best-selling author, lecturer, cultural consultant, CEO coach and fitness enthusiast. He is chairman and founder of Senn Delaney, widely known as The Culture Shaping Firm.

Dr. Senn has been referred to in the business journals as “the father of corporate culture”. His early experience in running a traditional consulting firm led him to conclude that all too many organizations were not reaching their full potential because of organizational habits, including trust issues, turf issues, blaming and excuses, lack of engagement, lack of customer focus, lack of agility and lack of positive spirit.

He saw that those habits of well-intentioned individuals reduced both the spirit and performance of even the best of organizations. It made the companies less fulfilling places to work, and made getting results harder than need be.

That realization inspired the first field research ever conducted on the concept of corporate culture – Larry’s doctorate dissertation in 1970. It led him to an early personal vision of finding a way to enhance the lives of people, the effectiveness of teams and the spirit and performance or organizations. That vision became Senn Delaney.

Dr. Senn has worked with dozens of Fortune 100 CEOs, governors of the US states, University Presidents and members of two US President’s cabinets.

Dr. Senn lives in Sunset Beach, CA, with his wife, Bernadette, and their son Logan. He has a deep sense of commitment to fitness and well-being. Larry runs, bikes and swims, competing in half a dozen triathlons a year.


Living life at your personal best

Interesting that it took one of the worst situations in Dr. Senn's life to enable him to realize the meaning of his life and his personal purpose. It is clear from this video that not only is Dr. Senn a heartfelt leader, his son is one also, even at the tender age of 12. 

Are you living your life at your personal best? Is it possible to truly be at your personal best without being a heartfelt leader? 

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