Pat Burns, Director of Communications and Investor Relations, SocialWhirled
Since 2009 Pat Burns has held the position of Director of Communications and Investor Relations for SocialWhirled - a software platform company. SocialWhirled is an innovative digital platform designed to effectively engage and grow, in a meaningful way, enterprise brand’s audience around the user’s unique interest data. Through SocialWhirled, iconic brand’s such as IBM, Starbucks, Pepsi are connecting and engaging with their customers at a much deeper level with contests, coupons and give-a-way’s bringing them closer to the brand’s products and creating meaningful bottom line results.
Pat’s heartfelt leadership was first set into high gear when she was the past president of the Mega Inner Circle, a Mark Victor Hansen & Associates (Chicken Soup for the Soul® co-creator) organization. Pat traveled the world working with companies that wanted to make a difference - not only in their country but also for the planet.
Pat serves on the advisory board of GRAND Magazine - an online magazine for multigenerational families. GRAND Magazine has a subscribership of 250,000 and affiliate partner outreach of over 1,100,000 readers. Along with her advisory role, Pat also enjoys interviewing celebrities for the magazines covers and writing film reviews for the magazine’s website.
Pat’s philanthropic work is centered on literacy and family reading. Pat is very proud of her accomplishment of cofounding the Orange County Children’s Book Festival. She serves as the Executive Director and oversees the enrollment of corporate sponsors and author/illustrator stage participation for the annual event. This Festival was founded in 2004 and has grown in attendance from 5,000 to 35,000 and brought in over $1,600,000 in corporate sponsorships.
Pat is the bestselling author of Grandparents Rock® The Grandparenting Guide for the Rock-n-roll Generation. Her two daughters are grown and living in Colorado and Arizona. Pat is also the proud grandmother of Dylan, Skye, Cosette and their newest family member from Ethiopia - Zeke.