Do you sometimes feel more like a human doing than a human being? Do you feel that all the activity you do to capture that elusive prize, "peace of mind," often takes you further away from it? Do you ever feel that your mind and other people's minds can corrupt what your and their hearts know to be true?
A few months ago we launched the Heartfelt Leadership Group at Linkedin.
It is a no sell, no self promote, no axe to grind zone in the belief that if you eliminate those, what will be left are Heartfelt conversations. We see it as an oasis in the middle of the very business and transactional universe and purpose of linkedin. It's like a First Class Airline Club, but instead of wishing to be left alone, you get to have heart to heart conversations.
We succeeded beyond our imagination...
See for yourself.
If you are a member of linkedin, join the Heartfelt Leadership Group and to get a taste of what heartfelt feels like, check out this discussion by Darrell Janssen entitled: "Why I am in this group? Why are you here?"
Darrell starts out: Strange as it may seem, I'm here because I see very few great leaders out there in the business world. As a matter of fact, there are very few in the personal world as well!
Oh yea, I'm judging these leaders from the lenses I have accumulated from life, work experience and education. In saying that, are my judgments accurate?
I joined this group more or less to validate my leadership knowledge and to see if others feel as I do. That's what we all do...validate ourselves.
I hope it will blow your mind as much as it did mine and more importantly, will touch your heart as much as it did mine.
Are you FOR real? Why not give it a chance?
Warmest regards,