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CEO Mentoring Moments with Deb Boelkes

 "CEO Mentoring Moments with Deb Boelkes" started out as a collaboration with a student, Elton Smith, a senior at Florida State College at Jacksonville working with me as an intern. The project was designed by Elton to provide some insight to college students through a series of ten 1-minute videos distributed through social media.  To read the full story behind this project, click here.

The first video is directly below and each week an additional video will be added as they are published.

Q: What are the day-to-day activities of a CEO?

Q: What are keys to maintaining business success as a CEO?

Q: How do you know if a company is a great place to work?

Q: What does a CEO look for when hiring a potential employee?

Q: What are the key aspects of being a CEO?

Q: What can employees do to get noticed by higher ups?

Q: What are some important things a CEO does?

Q: What is needed to move up in a company?

Q: Do CEOs think of lower level staff when making decisions?

Q: What are some important things to consider when entering a new position?