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Deb's books: "WOW Factor Workplace", "Hearfelt Leadership", and "Women on Top" are available in paperback, Kindle and Audible versions.  Deb's latest book, "Strong Suit", is available now in paperback, Kindle, and Nook versions.  Click on the following link for more information on all of Deb's leadership books.

See Deb's new video series:

CEO Mentoring Moments with Deb Boelkes

Marriott's CEO Shared a Video With His Team and It's a Powerful Lesson in Leading During a Crisis

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HBR - How to Give a Meaningful Apology

"I'm sorry, I just can't stop crying," Rick*, a manager in sales at a Fortune 100 company said to me — and then to Jim, a Senior VP at that company and also Rick's boss.

Jim looked at me, not knowing what to do next.

I had been called in to see about mending a rift between the two. While it had been building for some time, it had reached a climax when Jim had yelled at Rick in a team meeting, "I don't even know why I bother with you! You are an utterly useless human being!"

Rick was shaken and abruptly got up to leave the room — whereupon Jim yelled out to him, "Useless and a coward to boot!"

The rest of the team was speechless. Many of them looked down or away, while others stared like deer in the headlights.



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