What's New?

Deb's books: "WOW Factor Workplace", "Hearfelt Leadership", and "Women on Top" are available in paperback, Kindle and Audible versions.  Deb's latest book, "Strong Suit", is available now in paperback, Kindle, and Nook versions.  Click on the following link for more information on all of Deb's leadership books.

See Deb's new video series:

CEO Mentoring Moments with Deb Boelkes

Marriott's CEO Shared a Video With His Team and It's a Powerful Lesson in Leading During a Crisis

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Heartfelt Leadership introduces the "Diamond Rule" 

The Golden Rule: Do Onto Others As You Would Have Them To Onto You

The Platinum Rule: Do Onto Others As They Would Have You Do Onto Them

The Diamond Rule: Do Onto Others As Someone Special Did Onto You

About a year ago we put out a survey at the Heartfelt Leadership LinkedIn Group asking this question: "What effect would it have on performance, results and morale if you as a leader did onto others what someone did onto you who stood up for you when you couldn't, stood by you during a crisis and wouldn't let you fail and/or stood up to someone to push them to do something you didn't believe you could or stop you from doing somethng foolish (and you listened because of how much you knew they cared about you), little, moderate, or huge?"

And the survey result?

100 % Huge and 50 % of the responses were in CAPITAL FONT.

We have since that time delivered a number of "Daring to Care" presentations to CEO groups, school educators, top business men and when asked the survey question, they too have answered "huge."

And why "diamond?"

Because "Diamonds are forever" and we at Heartfelt Leadership believe that if people "did onto others what someone special did onto them" and furthermore took the time and made the effort to thank that special someone or their next of kin it would change the world.

Why do we believe that?

Because you can't feel grateful plus go on to thank the person you're grateful to and feel that anything is wrong or missing in your life.  In fact your cup runneth over. And when nothing feels wrong to you and your cup runneth over, you have no need to retaliate, complain, vent or blame anyone or anything.


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